Posts by Rod P

  • glenwoodswoman

    Is there a new " write to a disfellowshipped person" campaign going on?

    by glenwoodswoman in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    my daughter( 28 yrs old now, she disassociated herself when i got df'd---she was 15) received a letter from my ex (her step father).

    he writes about missing her and wantiong to know what is going on in her lifeetc.

    of courese, the disclaimer reads: " if you ever want to return to gods organization, please call me, becasue thats the only way we can ever have a normal relationship.

    1. stillajwexelder
    2. thom
    3. PopeOfEruke
  • Rod P
    Rod P

    Is it possible that the Society is now beginning to get more than a little concerned over how many are leaving the Organization.

    Perhaps economics is a factor, as each JW probably represents an important financial contribution or consideration over time. For example, banks spend a great deal of time and effort and money "recruiting" new customers, because they know statistically that each new account represents something like about $500 a year in new business (even if it's only service charges on a chequing or savings account).

    Could it also be that the Society is thinking twice about their harsh "shunning policy", and what we are now witnessing is an introductory strategy to ease the R & F into an eventual policy of greater tolerance?

    Rod P.

  • Rod P

    Questioning the Big Bang Theory

    by Rod P in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    but halton arp's continuing research will forever change the direction of astronomy.

    or do our observations of nature show things that a theory says are impossible?

    gamow had argued that the stars' temperatures are too low to create elements heavier than helium.

    1. Dis-Member
    2. Brokeback Watchtower
    3. Brokeback Watchtower
  • Rod P
    Rod P

    I thought it would be good to add an article that is in favour of the Big Bang Theory. This is just a way to not lose sight of the fact that a great many scientists DO support Big Bang, and have many reasons for doing so. It would not be very fair to present only the opposing views, and leave the evidences for Big Bang out of the conversation.

    Can you name 10 things that contradict Big Bang Theory?

    This is a completely fair question, but actually a difficult one to answer.

    The 'problem' is that there are a great many contingencies that have to come together to generate a severe contradiction. That's how good Big Bang theory seems to be. It is like asking for 10 things that contradict quantum mechanics, or our current scientific explanation for why we have seasons. Here is my list of the 'weak' points of Big Bang cosmology:


    Big Bang theory is based on general relativity. General relativity predicts how gravity and space-time operate. If it is found that GR is incomplete as a classical theory, then Big Bang could be doomed because all current cosmological solutions or 'models' are based on solving Einstein's original, general relativistic formula for gravity. So far, 6 tests have been performed and compared with GR predictions and it has been found that Einstein's original version remains the simplest version of GR. So far, there is NO contradiction on this basic point.


    A basic feature of Big Bang theory is that the universe has a specific age given its expansion rate. As you know, the ages estimated for the oldest known stars are between 12 and 17 billion years, however if the Hubble Space Telescope estimates for the local expansion rate are correct, an age for the universe closer to 12 billion years is predicted. There are only two known ways to save this disagreement, either the galaxies used to measure 'Hubble's constant' are too local to measure the true, slower expansion rate, or there is a new cosmological 'anti-gravity' force present produced by the so-called cosmological constant. If it should come to pass that the expansion speed for the most distant galaxies holds fast to 60 - 65 kilometers/sec/megaparsecs AND the ages of stars holds to 12-17 billion years AND observations can eliminate the cosmological constant as being negligible THEN Big Bang theory is in severe trouble since you cannot have stars older than the Big Bang. In 2002, the NASA WMAP satellite confirmed what astronomers have been discovering since about 1998. The universe is accelerating its expansion and its current age is 13.7 billion years, with an uncertainty of about 200 million years. Also, 73% of the energy in the cosmos is Dark Energy. This neatly resolved a major problem for Big Bang theory. Currently, there is no contradiction.


    If some new processes is discovered that can REDUCE the cosmological abundance of deuterium, then one could have the situation that Big Bang theory predicts MORE deuterium than can be accommodated by the expansion rate and baryonic density of the universe. This would be a severe contradiction with Big Bang nucleosynthesis calculations which already give excellent agreement between deuterium and plausible expansion rates today. Currently, the D/H ratios for pre-stellar objects show no contradiction with Big Bang calculations.


    If a new explanation for the cosmological redshift is discovered, the existing redshift which leads to plausible solutions from GR, would be over estimating the cosmological effects which are already consistent with other types of observations. No known explanations not in line with Big Bang theory are available.


    If a new mechanism is found for producing a smooth cosmic background radiation, then the uniformity of the measured cosmic background would not be explained by Big Bang theory, or plausible extensions of it. No examples are known.


    If a new, long-range force is discovered, then Big Bang theory will have been incompletely describing the dynamics of the expansion process. This could work either in favor of Big Bang, or contradict it depending on the strength of this 'fifth force'. The WMAP observations show that such a force exists and is of the magnitude and sign to explain cosmological accelerated expansion.


    If dark matter is found to be baryonic, and exceeds the amount of baryonic matter upon which the Big Bang nucleosynthesis calculations are based, then there is something severely wrong with Big Bang theory predictions during the first 10 minutes after the Big Bang...a time period that is recognized as a 'piece of cake' for physics because of its simplicity. No such disagreements have been verified.


    If galaxies are found to have formed earlier than the first million years after the Big Bang, this would conflict with Big Bang theory and the Inflationary extension of it because the predicted strength of the seed fluctuations at galactic scale would be stronger than the theory allows. Currently not an observation we can make until the Next Generation Space Telescope begins operating in 2011.


    If something like Inflationary Big Bang theory is not vindicated, then there will be no simple solution to the problem of how the cosmic background radiation can be so smooth and at the same temperature at scales larger than a degree, since at earlier times in the expansion, regions of the sky farther apart than this would not have been in communication to coordinate their temperatures so exactly. No 'crises' with inflation have been identified to date.


    If 'dark matter' is discovered and found to have undergone a complex history during the nucleosynthesis epoch, there might be the opportunity for this dynamically important component to have affected the Big Bang abundance calculations, which currently give acceptable ratios for helium and deuterium abundances. Any dark matter perturbation could make these predictions in error. Currently we cannot detect Dark Matter in order to study it.

    So, this is my list. It is not comprehensive. I want to warn you that these are weaknesses, but currently NONE have been established from the data at hand to be actual problems for Big Bang theory. This makes Big Bang theory a falsifiable theory of the highest caliber, and still makes it the leading candidate for THE theory of how our universe works. Thus far, Big Bang theory or versions of it, have survived

    a number of important tests . Whether it continues with this track record for the next few decades, we will have to await the outcomes of some important, on-going and planned experiments.

    Return to

    Ask the Astronomer
    Can you list 10 or more observational facts supporting Big Bang Theory?


    1.... The universe is expanding.

    2.... There exists a cosmic background radiation field detectable at microwave frequencies.

    3.... The cosmic microwave background field is measurably isotropic to better than a few parts in 100,000 after compensation is made for the relativistic Doppler effect caused by Earth/Sun/Milky Way motion.

    4.... The cosmic microwave background radiation field is precisely that of a black body.

    5.... The cosmic microwave background radiation field has a temperature of 2.7 K.

    6.... There does exist a universal abundance ratio of helium to hydrogen consistent with the current expansion rate and cosmic background temperature.

    7.... The cosmological abundance of deuterium relative to hydrogen and helium is consistent with the levels expected given the current expansion rate and density.

    8.... There are only three families of neutrinos.

    9.... The night sky is not as bright as the surface of the Sun.

    10... The cosmic background radiation field is slightly lumpy at a level of one part in 100,000 to 1,000,000.

    11... There are no objects that have ages indisputably greater than the expansion age of the universe.

    12... There are about 10,000,000,000 photons in the cosmic background radiation field for every proton and neutron of matter.

    13... The degree of galaxy clustering observed is consistent with an expanding universe with a finite age less than 20 billion years.

    14... There are no elements heavier than lithium which have a universal abundance ratio.

    15... The universe was once opaque to its own radiation.

    16... The universe is now dominated exclusively by matter and not a mixture of matter and anti-matter.

    I should point out that, although some rival theories have proposed alternate explanations to a few of these observations, there are no rivals that provide a simple explanation for all of these remarkable observations. What could be simpler than a universe expanding from a hot, dense state to the present cool, rarified one with all of the above features emerging! No new physics is required, no mysterious forces, just gravity and hot matter doing their thing over billions of years!

    Copyright 1997 Dr. Sten Odenwald Return to Ask the Astronomer.
    Rod P.
  • trevor

    Jehovah’s mother chose death before baby

    by trevor in
    1. watchtower
    2. medical

    daily mail article today uk newspaper.

    jehovahs mother chose death before baby

    a dying mother refused a life-saving blood transfusion despite nurses holding up her new-born son in a desperate attempt attempt to get her to change her mind.

    1. Gill
    2. Cygnus
    3. Cygnus
  • Rod P
    Rod P


    Well, I agree with your sentiments about not feeling sorry for the choices a person makes as an adult, and therefore must be held accountable for the consequences of those choices.

    However, one of the things that bothers me here, is the question of how much brain-washing has gone on with these JW's to the point that they have been conditioned to live in accordance with this fanaticism.

    The second, and most important issue in my mind here, is the fact that the little baby boy had no choice in that matter. He has now lost a "mother" because of her choice. Does he deserve such a fate, expecially since he had no say in the matter? That is what's is so unfair and unjust here.

    Rod P.

  • Rod P

    Questioning the Big Bang Theory

    by Rod P in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    but halton arp's continuing research will forever change the direction of astronomy.

    or do our observations of nature show things that a theory says are impossible?

    gamow had argued that the stars' temperatures are too low to create elements heavier than helium.

    1. Dis-Member
    2. Brokeback Watchtower
    3. Brokeback Watchtower
  • Rod P
    Rod P

    Hi Danny,

    Nice to see you back, and I hope you are feeling better now.

    Just a quick note:

    I do not kow if you mean this, but relativity does not depend on the big bang. There can be a other explanation of the universe, and still have relativity.

    Yes, I agree with you that Relativity does not depend on the Big Bang. And yes, Relativity does fit into other models of the Universe.

    Rod P.

  • glenwoodswoman

    Is there a new " write to a disfellowshipped person" campaign going on?

    by glenwoodswoman in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    my daughter( 28 yrs old now, she disassociated herself when i got df'd---she was 15) received a letter from my ex (her step father).

    he writes about missing her and wantiong to know what is going on in her lifeetc.

    of courese, the disclaimer reads: " if you ever want to return to gods organization, please call me, becasue thats the only way we can ever have a normal relationship.

    1. stillajwexelder
    2. thom
    3. PopeOfEruke
  • Rod P
    Rod P



    Was the speaker suggesting that the members of the JW audience therefore start contacting all those who were disfellowshipped, or who had disassociated themselves?

    Who was he addressing his message to? Was he hoping there were Disassociated or Disfellowshipped people in the audience, and so he was encouraging them to come back?

    Just asking.

    Rod P.

  • carla

    good argument for 'new light'?

    by carla in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    running out of ideas.

    anyone have some good points against 'new light'?

    as you all know, on one hand the wt says to look back at old issues (however i think that issue itself is 'old') but if you do look back at old issues and point out contradictions, then of course it is 'old', out of date, etc... "that is the beauty of the org, things are revealed blah, blah, know the drill.

    1. greendawn
    2. A Paduan
    3. lawrence
  • Rod P
    Rod P

    Well, what I want to know is:

    What was once taught as "Truth" (Old Light) was also in contradiction of what the theologians of wicked old Christendom were teaching.

    Then along the way, the GB announces a "New Light" about the "Old Truth". Only problem is, now this "New Truth" is suddenly in harmony with what the theologians from wicked old Christendom have been teaching all along.

    Of course, Christendom is regarded as part of the world-wide empire of false religion "Babylon the Great", with Satan the Devil as its head. The clergy are, therefore the spokespersons for this evil empire that is going to be destroyed in the Big "A".

    So how is it that Satan's representatives are in possession of this "New Truth" years in advance of Jehovah's Faithful and Discreet Slave, the Governing Body?

    A case in point: Back in the early 1960's there was a new teaching about the "Superior Authorities" or "Higher Powers" (KJV). The JW's were always taught that the "Higher Powers" were "Jehovah God and Christ Jesus" who they owed their subjection to, and not the "earthly governments and rulers" as taught by Christendom. Back in the 1940's (World War II) a lot of male JW's went to jail for precisely this interpretation of the scriptures. The courts brought in some Biblical scholars (theologians) to convince these JW's that they were basing their argument on erroneous interpretation of the scriptures. But they would have nothing to do with it, as they, of course, could not trust these wicked Pharasaical Theologians. And so they went to jail.

    Then years later, further research by the FDS caused them to come to the conclusion that those passages of scripture where it speaks of these "Higher Powers" or "Superior Authorities", had to be understood as being the "earthly governments and rulers". (Exactly what the theologians have been saying all along.) Then they went on to say that notwithstanding this new interpretation, nevertheless, this was a "relative subjection", and "where a law of man contradicts a law of God, then we must obey God as ruler rather than men." However, this is a principle that most theologians and biblical scholars have taught and believed in all along. Nobody is arguing that essential principle.

    What we are arguing about here is the fact that they have been defending a certain principle based on an erroneous interpretation of scripture. And Satan has inspired his wicked and evil servants of the "correct truth" years in advance of God's Sole Channel of Communication on the Earth between God and Man, the Faithful and Discreet Slave/Governing Body.

    So tell me, what's wrong with this picture?

    Rod P.

  • glenwoodswoman

    Is there a new " write to a disfellowshipped person" campaign going on?

    by glenwoodswoman in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    my daughter( 28 yrs old now, she disassociated herself when i got df'd---she was 15) received a letter from my ex (her step father).

    he writes about missing her and wantiong to know what is going on in her lifeetc.

    of courese, the disclaimer reads: " if you ever want to return to gods organization, please call me, becasue thats the only way we can ever have a normal relationship.

    1. stillajwexelder
    2. thom
    3. PopeOfEruke
  • Rod P
    Rod P


    I tend to think that he stepdad did that on his own.

    AS far as the WTBTS/GB is concerned, a Disfellowshipped person is DEAD in the eyes of Jehovah. I just don't think they would permit or endorse taking any kind of initiative towards someone who is DF'ed. A JW is not to associate with, have fellowship with, or even talk to a DF'ed person. However, if you are a family member, then they will allow a certain minimum amount of conversation, but it must be about the important "business at hand", but must not be anything to do with spiritual matters. A DF'ed person should imagine that the Battle of Armageddon has already taken place, and now the good little JW's are there in the New World. And where are you? In the grave, and out of existence. It's kind of like the prisoners who are on death row in the USA, and as they walk to their death chamber, the prison warden announces "Dead Man Walking." That, I think, is how a DF'ed person should see themselves in the eyes of all JW's.

    Now, you have mentioned that you were disfellowshipped about 13 years ago, and that, at the time, your daughter disassociated herself (at age 15). The first question I have is, "Was she a baptized JW at the time?" If so, then I think it highly probable that she would have been disfellowshiped for apostasy. If she did not write a formal letter to the Elders about her disassociation, and was not formally disfellowshipped, they may have simply regarded your daughter as "inactive" as a result of your disfellowshipment. In other words, perhaps they did not consider your daughter responsible or apostate.

    If that is the case, then perhaps your ex-husband does not feel like he is breaking any rules by writing to her, and so is now reaching out to her in a letter.

    It is hard to assess this, when we don't know all the facts surrounding the case of your daughter.

    Rod P.

  • ozziepost

    Ozzie's Weekend Poll #142 Elder bags

    by ozziepost in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    how's things?

    here in the eastern states downunder we're having spring-like weather with clear blue skies, warm sunshine in the low 20s celsius even though it's right in the middle of winter.

    very nice too!.

    1. MerryMagdalene
    2. misspeaches
    3. Evanescence
  • Rod P
    Rod P

    13) Other

    The bags are actually for before and after the meetings.

    You see, when the Elders go out in field service, they fill up their cars with JW Publishers. Everybody has to literally squeeze themselves in, and things are very cramped and crowded. So the Elder, who drives the car, gets to put the bag on the car seat beside himself to give himself more room. That way he gets more space for himself so he can drive in comfort.

  • Rod P

    Questioning the Big Bang Theory

    by Rod P in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    but halton arp's continuing research will forever change the direction of astronomy.

    or do our observations of nature show things that a theory says are impossible?

    gamow had argued that the stars' temperatures are too low to create elements heavier than helium.

    1. Dis-Member
    2. Brokeback Watchtower
    3. Brokeback Watchtower
  • Rod P
    Rod P

    This is Page four of the thread. One of the problems I have noticed is that, for some reason,the column had annoyingly widened. This forces the reader to toggle back and forth sideways to read a whole line.

    The solution to this problem, for those who don't know: go to the bottom left corner of this page and click "compact". This will make the printing smaller, but the columns will narrow to get all of the content visible on the screen at once.

    I keep hoping that this Page 4 will fill up so that it will spill over to Page 5. That way we can get back on track with a normal column width.

    Rod P.